Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Our Blog

As a third place, I feel like this blog is inclusive in some respects, but exclusive in others. This blog makes it easier for shy people in our class to get their ideas known to the other students and also lets more outgoing students get more of their ideas out there if they didn't get to participate in discussion enough. But this blog also excludes anyone who is not in our discussion, so it is not a third place to everyone in this university, in this city and in the country. It can only be used by a certain amount of people so it is exclusive to others. Its accessibility is also limited. Not everyone can blog at every moment of the day because people are not on computers 24/7. If they are in class or hanging with a friend, they are not blogging. This is why physical areas are great for third places. A cafe is useful because anyone can go there and discuss their ideas no matter what class, race, or gender they are. A blog is not that accessible.

This can be a good place to gain social capital because you can get other people's ideas and then discuss them in a free, private setting.

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