Wednesday, May 13, 2009

reading race online

Supposedly the Internet can be an anonymous environment where people can pretend to be whoever they want to be. It can be an equalizer where people can be anonymous and not face discrimination based upon gender, age, race/ethnicity or class because the usual clues are absent. However Burkhalter suggested that racial cues can still be read online.

I think that Burkhalter is correct in his suggestion. Race is a result of physical qualities depicting how an individual is treated. Race is more of a social phenomena rather than solely skin color. Keeping this in mind it makes sense that when people use the Internet they can, to an extent, be identified This is because even without the physical there are still the consequences of that social relation between that individual and the actions and treatments of society. The result of the skin color is still present in a person's character and personality and therefore is only natural that it can be identified without the physical cue of skin color.

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