Tuesday, March 17, 2009

OLPC program.

I think it is interesting how on the website for OLPCO(http://laptop.org/en/participate/ways-to-give.shtml)....there is a link entitled "ways to give", which takes you to a page informing visitors of the website how they can donate a laptop to a child for $199. It offers many ways to pay for this, including paypal, through amazon.com, through a coporation, etc. This i think relates to class because it is in effect closing the digital divide. I think this option of donating a laptop is in essence allowing the people on the bottom of the "S-curve" who get the techonlogy first and are, generally speaking, well to do and better off financially to directly transfer technology to those who aren't well to do financially. This in essence shifts the "S-curve" and reduces the divide. This seems to be the point of the OLPC, and the point seems to be excentuated in the fact that on the homepage there is a huge button that leads to a page that makes donating this laptop easily...literally a couple clicks away.

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