Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Digital Divide Movie

I was really enamored by this movie and how even though it was outdated (I was only four when it was filmed) how it is still kind of relevant to today's society. The movie was filmed in 1994 and it seemed like the were just catching the beginning of what the called the "Multimedia Revolution". Technology boomed in the 1990's, so fast that it was hard for many to catch up to it. The movie showed how people of different races and different socioeconomic backgrounds were able to ride the wave that was the technology boom, and how some faltered. The technology school seemed to be a very diverse place and the stories of the four students resulted in very different endings. Some were able to handle the newly added technological pressures, while some were unable to balance this new technology and the rest of their lives.

The thing that really jumped out to me is that culture played a large part in their life with technology. The digital divide played a huge role when comparing two of the selected students. One girl, i forgot her name, had to juggle life at the school, a full time job at Long John Silvers, and life after school was over all to pay for her own computer to work on, as her family could not afford one. Then one of the guys had no trouble with getting a computer as his parents were able to pay for it. 

I also found it interesting when the movie was talking about the community technology centers and how those, and libraries were ways to bridge the digital divide. Younger kids were able to learn games and skills on those computers and those kids were ourselves, kids that are now in college. Because of the skills we learned as children in the early 90's we are a lot more skilled than prior generations as we have had the technology available to us at young ages. For one of those students in the movie, going to Tech High was the first time he had ever used the computer, but now that computers and technology in general is available to all classes thanks to libraries, we find less and less people who have not been acclimated to this technology. We live in a new age. This movie was at the beginning of the Multimedia Revolution, and because of the evolution and advancement in technology, our generation is more fit to handle what is being thrown at us then some of the students in the movie.

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