Tuesday, February 10, 2009

We need our libraries


I was lucky enough to find an article that directly coincides with what we were talking about in class today.  The article talks about the severe budget cut on Pennsylvania libraries.  What I found interesting was that the proposed cut was only 2.3% compared to the 50% cut taken in 2003.  I feel that this shows that the vitalness of libraries is being overlooked.  Not only are these libraries operating at less than capacity, but they will be doing it even more so in the coming weeks.  The Pennsylvania libraries also ended Sunday service, cut Saturday hours and even some weekday hours.  The fact of the matter is that the state and local government should not cut funding for libraries.  Pennsylvania reported a 2% increase in circulation in the past year.  I was also reading other articles that stated that with people losing their jobs they are turning to libraries for additional resources whether it be to look for a new job, use the computers or take their children to get books.  As our country has continues to fall deeper into debt, I think we need to seriously look at what funding is being cut.  Libraries are an integral part of the community and we can't take them away when people need them most.  

1 comment:

  1. i agree with many of the points you make, but on the other hand its not only the libraries that are losing funding. the economy is so bad right now that not many things are prospering. yes it sucks the library fundings are going down, but so is almost everything else. the new technologies used in libraries are expensive and not every city or county has the money to keep it up as well as they would like.
