Friday, February 27, 2009

Reaction to "Digital Divide"

“Digital Divide” provided solid insight into the many topics we have been discussing up to this point in the semester. Although it showed how some students were able to excel while others failed, I do not feel as if the film truly captured the many other technological disadvantages that millions of people face oas well as it could have.

For purposes of this assignment and this course, the video did reinforce several important points from the readings and lectures. It visually represented how cultural backgrounds and socioeconomic status play an integral role in how technologically savvy an individual has the ability to be. For example, the contrast between Cedra’s technologically advanced background and successes (resulting from her father) to that of Lucia who had no background at all and her eventual struggles proves that individuals of higher class have better technological opportunities. Furthermore, Kips story makes it apparent that cultural differences also play a part in technological opportunities (racial ravine).

In addition to these points, the 4Cs are addressed during the course of the film. Through each individual, context, capability, connectivity, and content are all indirectly examined to an extent. It captures the context of each students’ learning environment and the capabilities that they do or do not have.

Despite this, I feel as if the video could have focused more on different types of context and a lot more on connectivity and capability. All of the students were attending some sort of technologically advanced school that accordingly allowed them to excel at computers more than other people might be able to.

To truly make an effective point about the digital divide, the filmmakers should have followed a few more ordinary people’s struggle to access computers and focus more on their attitudes towards the future of technology in addition to the students experiences.

I understand that they specifically addressed the digital divide and how it effects our nation’s youth but including more interviews with older individuals and more opinions from people who weren’t given the same opportunities would have made it even more influential and realistic.

Also, these individuals do not really face a connectivity or capability problem. They managed to include how Lucia faced a connectivity and capability problem because she could not afford a computer but they didn’t take note of other types of connectivity/capability problems that exist. Including examples of disadvantaged people who live in areas where Internet service isn’t available, people who live where there are no tech labs/schools in their area, or simply people that don’t know what a computer is or how to work one could have made a significant impact on exploring the digital divide.

Overall however, the video did provide us with an opportunity to see real world examples of the digital divide. I now have a better understanding of how much of an impact technology or the lack of technology has on everyone. It definitely demonstrated many aspects of the course but could have been extremely effective if additional aspects of the digital divide were considered.


  1. I think You brought up a very interesting point about context, one that i had not thought of. I agree that the film would have been a lot better if we got the other side of the story: the people who didn't go to "Tech High" and who did not have access to the same technologies. I think that i got caught up in the fact that they only showed 1 side of the story, and i didn't think about comparing the kids at tech schools to regular high schools. This has nothing to do with race or labor, but I do feel it is a vital point. It does however help me realize there are bias in many things you dont think about

  2. I have to disagree when you said these individuals do not face a connectivity or capability problems. I think this was also a mistake on the filmmaker's part. I don't that the movie went in-depth enough oh how each student used the computer at home and if they struggled with it. In Luisa's case, we don't know if she had the same connection speed as Cedra, who was wealthier and had more than one computer in her house. In addition, we don't know how the students connected to the internet, either via dial up or broadband. If a student only had the ability to connect via dial-up that would diminish their access because their family would also have to use the same line for the telephone. We also don't know how many people each student had to share the computer with. In terms of capability with resources in addition to the computer, like a printer or fax machine, the filmmaker did not stress this point either. I think that this is a problem because some students may be at an advantage if they own a printer (so they can print a paper at home instead of having to print it at school or a library).
