Sunday, February 22, 2009

Sarling & Van Tassel -

Here are answers I found for some questions regarding this Week 4 article:

What is Community Analysis?
-"a systematic process of collecting, organizing, and analyzing data about a library and its environment" (p.8)
-In this case, the community analysis was based on the CARI model as a way to study the Denver community in order to make specific recommendations concerning:  community outreach, facilities planning, library policies, staffing, collection development, and ongoing involvement.  (p.7)


-U.S Census data 
-Statistics gathered from school district of enrollment, dropout rate

-"Drive-throughs" observations
-Agency profiles
-Historical research

CARI Model
-A community research model developed by Greer and Hale, utilizing a variety of collection techniques: historical research, statistical analysis, personal interview, structured observation, etc. (p.7)

Four Perspectives of the CARI Model
1) individuals
2) groups
3) agencies
4) lifestyles

Methodologies employed by researchers (p.11)
-"Drive-throughs" performed throughout community.
-Communication agencies like radio and telephone companies were identified and examined.
-Interviews with representatives from local school district.

Tools - Data Sources used by researchers (p.11)
-1990 census data
-Yellow Pages

Neighborhoods - "Drive-throughs" (p.12)

-The three neighborhoods studied were Globeville, Elyria, and Swansea which surrounded the site of the new branch.
-Impressions of these communities were initially of poverty, heavy traffic, and industry.  Many seemed to be of Eastern European or Hispanic heritage.

-Many observations such as the toys in yards and recreation centers would have been left out had the "drive-throughs" not been done.
-These observations made the researchers look into how many children were in these in neighborhoods and where they lived. (p.13)


  1. and then, Who is Pilar Castro- Reino? Why is she important?

    Pilar Castro- Reino is the Outreach Librarian for the Valdez- Perry Branch of the Denver Public Library. She "echoed" the recommendations made by Sarling and Tessel "that community involvement and builging positive relationships is key to the success of the library." She is deeply involved with the library system and has called parents to talk about their children and set up programs for children, such as soccer lessons. She has helped to expand the library system.

  2. And their recommendations included:

    During the construction period, branch staff should become involved in the community by attending community meetings and social events, visiting the various community centers, and building positive relationships.

    Whenever possible, the staff of the library should be drawn from community members

    The design of the branch be a building with a permanent, solid appearance that harmonized with the historical architecture, and that it included an outdoor space for people to congregate.

    Signage outside of the building was important and should be bilingual

    The interior of the library should include several quiet places for children to do homework, because this was a community of large families living in smaller houses.

    The branch be open afternoons and evenings to better serve the large poplutaion of school-age children.

    Collection should include english materials, spanish materials, and much that was bilingual to help those who are attempting to learn the other language.

    Provide bilingual literacy programs and materials to support them.

    Certain subject areas should be available, such as: gardening, auto repair, karate, weightlifting, and "so-it-yourself" books. Also, a lrarge video collection was recommended.

    These are just a few of the many recommendations I pulled out of the article, on pages 21 and 22.
