Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Inequality in Music Downloads

One technological inequality that I thought would be interesting to look at that is pretty relevant to our lives is the inequality in music downloading. While we all have music, from either legal or illegal means, music plays a big part in an "Apple" driven world. The ability to download, trade, share, and obtain music is something that many of us take for granted. Limited by financial burdens, resources and friends to share with, and general Internet access, there are many obstacles for people without these key components to enjoy music on their own time.

I found an article which goes into a discussion about MP3 players and how they have become a kind of social marker for society--bridging an inequality between the haves and the have nots. While the article brings up some interesting points and arguments , I think above all else inequality in music is driven by finances. Whether downloading music, or simply listening to music on the radio, one must have a medium of obtaining and listening to music. It is therefore this limited access to Internet and pinched budgets of low income families that really provides the foundation for this type of music inequality. 

Since this is such a heated topic, especially with record companies busting people online for sharing free music, there are definite inequalities to music downloading, but also, ways of getting music in other ways, including illegally. Here's the article:


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