Monday, February 9, 2009


Hey i found a bunch of articles on inequalities in health. The articles talked about how health care isn't available to everyone and can be very restricted in some forms. Not all jobs give out health insurance, which makes it hard for some people to find health insurance coverage. It can be costly to find it outside of the work place. Basically the higher up a person's socioeconomic status is, the better off they are health wise, with insurance coverage and other health plans.
^ one of the many


  1. I think it is very important to have equality in health and health insurance. But its very costly. So my question is how are you going to go about implementing a program or service that gives everyone health insurance?

  2. I also think it is extremely important to have equality in insurance as amcarlson 3 stated. But, can we even achieve it?

    How much will it cost our country? Would we use tax money? How much of it should go to universal health insurance.

    Unfortunetly, I think this situation is a win-lose. Nobody is ever going to be happy. =/

  3. to further investigate this you could research those who have health problems, such as doctor visits or er visits or urgent care or on medication with income level. this could better help you understand where the trends in needs seem to come from. also looking at what the government gives certain ranked workers in terms of health care would be interesting. see if there is a difference between congress's health plan and the full-time entry worker's health plan. both employed by the government but unequal coverage, what does that say about the government or society as a whole...?
