Monday, February 9, 2009

The Internet... Increasing Global Inequality?

To many the great invention that is the internet may seem as a gift from the heavens. However, in reality it is increasing the gap between the poor and the rich. For instance, in order for one to use the internet, one needs a computer. And to get that you need the money to buy one. In the article it is stated that for a worker from Blangladesh it would take him 8 years of his salary to buy a computer while on the other hand, for an American it would only take a month's salary. Basically, this technology is making the richer even more rich; and the poor even more poor.
For example, about 80 countries are receiving less revenue than they were receiving a decade ago.
In my opinion, I think that in order to decrease this gap we have to help out the poor countries that need our help. We can not advance as a world together if half of our global population is not technically savvy.

1 comment:

  1. The difference between third world countries, and more modernized countries like the United States, Canada, and France is simple: technology. It is seen in the buildings and in the streets. Technology is the driving force behind communication today, labor, and leisure. It is no surprise to me, after reading the article you linked, that the internet is at the middle of the debate over technology in regards to impoverished countries.
    I completely agree that we cannot leave other countries behind as we build ourselves up. There are enough resources in the world to sustain the increasing population. The problem is not our resources, but rather the distribution of them. Knowledge and skills come from technology, and as a new generation in the west grows up with the internet and computers, a generation in impoverished countries is left beind.
